Neutropenia (low neutrophil count) – Mayo Clinic

Neutropenia (noo-troe-PEE-nee-uh) means that the body has too few neutrophils, a type of white blood cells. All white blood cells help the body fight infections. But neutrophils are important for fighting certain infections, especially those caused by bacteria.

If you have neutropenia, you likely won’t know it based on any symptoms. People often find out that they have neutropenia when they’ve had blood tests done for other reasons.

A single blood test showing low levels of neutrophils doesn’t mean you have neutropenia for sure. These levels can vary from day to day. So if a blood test shows that you have low levels, the test needs to be repeated. The repeated test may confirm whether you have neutropenia.

Neutropenia can raise your risk of infections. When neutrophil levels are very low, even the common bacteria from the mouth and digestive tract can cause serious illness.


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