Desk stretches: Video collection – Mayo Clinic

Desk stretches: Video collection

Desk stretches help prevent pain and stiffness. See how they’re done.

By Mayo Clinic Staff

Do you sit at a desk all day? To prevent or ease stiffness and pain, try some simple workplace stretches.

The problem: Too much sitting

If you sit at a desk for a long time, you might place a lot of stress on certain muscles, especially in your neck, shoulders and upper back. That stress can make you stiff and sore. But taking breaks often to get some physical activity can help.

The solution: Fitness breaks

Breaking up your workday with stretches and other physical activities can help keep you more comfortable while you work.

You can stretch while you’re seated at your desk or standing in your workspace. You might even be able to stretch during a conference call or other work activities. You don’t need special equipment to stretch, and you won’t break a sweat. But the results can make a big difference in the way you feel.

Watch these videos on specific stretches to learn the correct form and technique.


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